1% is the best guild on Herod-Horde. Famous for their World-First Azuregos kill, 1% continues to shock the world with its crowning achievements. With its members recognizable anywhere with the signature guild tagline "1%" in chat channels, the guild continues to solidify its place in Herod history. Often the victim of malicious attacks, griefers, and disinformation campaigns, 1% has proven themselves able to thrive under the weight of such attacks time and time again. Though the guild is often the target of griefers, it has not affected their ability to quickly and efficiently clear content in a manner conducive to fun, unlike most guilds containing sweatlords. 1% is lead by Alleymonkey, the undisputed best Warlock not only on Herod, but in the world. Founded on 10/1/2019, 1% had a humble beginning. Behind guilds founded on launch day, 1% quickly went from pugging Molten Core to boasting 3 full raid teams clearing all content. While some players fizzled out and at times the multiple raids were merged to form stronger ones, 1% has always kept Raid 1, the premiere Saturday night raiding team, at the forefront of focus. With the recently absorption of Raid 2 into Raid 1, 1% continues to improve on their times and performance week after week. Occasionally, 1% hosts parse runs where they go into old raids to see how they can perform with their Best in Slot Naxxramas gear, netting many raiders multiple 100 parses. Gaining entry into 1% is a closely guarded secret and the process is not well known to many. 1% receives thousands of applicants per day, with many of them acting as spies attempting to infiltrate the guild to cause harm. None of these attempts have been successful however, and 1% continues to advance their interests in the World of Warcraft community unscathed.
Reach out to anyone in guild.
One Percent plays 3 times per week for a total of 4h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Thu | 00:30 | 0h 30m |
Fri | 00:30 | 2 hours |
Sun | 00:30 | 2 hours |
This data is based on One Percent's recent reports.
One Percent is recruiting!
What activities is One Percent recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in One Percent?